Training Your Arms To Strike The Muk Jong
When you think about Wing Chun one of the first things that come to mind is its famous Wing Chun Wooden Dummy training. In this video you will learn the correct way to hit the arms of the Jong.
Only train with an intensity that your body can handle. Let your body be your guide.
Some Common Questions About The Wing Chun Wooden Dummy

What is the Wing Chun wooden dummy called? The basic Wing Chun training tool that helped make the art form renowned is the Mook Yan Jong (also known as the wooden man post or wooden dummy). A dummy is a must-have for every serious student of Wing Chun who wants to improve their precision, form, and overall power without having to rely on a training partner.
What is a Wing Chun wooden dummy used for? You will learn how to improve your position, footwork, structure, efficiency, angles for deflection, precision, fluidity, coordination, simultaneous attack and defense, and a lot more with the help of the Wing Chun dummy.
You may practice attacking and defending yourself at the same time with the help of the Wing Chun dummy since it teaches you how to move around their pressure. The dummy’s arms and legs stand for impediments, sometimes known as “pathways of pressure,” that an attacker can use against you while they are attacking you.
You will become proficient at maneuvering around the dummy’s arms and legs in order to reach positions that provide leverage. The wooden dummy will instruct you on how the correct alignment should feel as you continue to practice it.
In this way, you will discover what it is like to use your structure and leverage against opponents who are larger and stronger than you. You will receive instant feedback regarding the robustness of your structure whenever you make touch with the dummy.
How may sets are in the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Form? I am sure there are many variations of sets on the wooden mook jong. However here at Enter Shaolin we teach the Ip Man traditional 108 wing chun wooden dummy techniques. If you are a member they are in the Wing Chun course of the vault.
Basic Wing Chun Mook Yang Jong Training
The best wing chun wooden dummy training is of course whatever you are willing to do. While it’s important to have good technique it’s equally important to be consistent in your training. What is more important than anything else is where the energy placement is.
If your energy isn’t where it’s suppose to be your techniques won’t be as effective as they can be. Also pay attention to the sound you are making when you strike the jong.
When you strike the the wooden man it should have a snappy sound to it.
When beginning your practice you don’t want to go to slow or to fast just go at a pace that you can go while maintaining good technique.
The History Of Wing Chun Wooden Man
The form that Ip Man created initially consisted of 108 techniques, but later on additional kicks were added to it. The concept of practicing martial arts moves on a wooden dummy dates back to a time that is quite a little earlier than Ip Man.
It is believed that the Shaolin Monasteries were the original inspiration behind the use of a wooden dummy. According to a variety of different interpretations of the history of Wing Chun, the Shaolin Monks and Nuns were instrumental in the early development of Wing Chun.
As a result, it is possible that they are to be credited with the invention of the Wooden Dummy techniques that are used in Wing Chun. Nevertheless, Ip Man was responsible for a significant reorganization of the Wing Chun system, most notably the dummy form.
As a result, a significant portion of the Dummy form that is still taught today can be ascribed to Ip Man. Ip Man’s method appears to be the most often used, despite the fact that there are still a variety of distinct approaches to performing the form, as demonstrated by the many lineages.
More on the history of the Mu Ren Zhuang
One last thing if you are thinking about purchasing a new Wing Chun Mu Ren Zhuang AKA “The Wooden Dummy”. Considering using our recommended link.
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Takeaway
- It’s not about blocking it’s about hitting.
- Hit with your forearm and elbow along the Muk Jong arm.
- Make sure you have your base and drive going in for the hit.
- This drill teaches you good Structural Integrity.
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