Hey family , how are you this week? I wish I could say this week slowed down a bit, but it sure didn't. ROFL! I had Jury duty this week for the first time. It was a really neat experience. It was an honor to get to see our justice system in action and to understand more about how the jury selection process works. I also made some new friends and even got … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | You Are Never Too Old To Learn New Things
Hey family, I hope everyone had a great week. Before we get into this week's updates I want to talk to you about something that has really hit home this week. As some of you know Sije Jamie and myself have been doing Intermittent Fasting also known as the IF diet. Over the years I tried all types of diet schemes and none of them seemed to work well for me … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Member Q&A Replay, Bob’s Kung Fu Journey & Brain Fog
Hey family, how are you? We hope you guys and gals are doing great. You maybe wondering why brain fog is in the title. Well that's because Sije Jamie and myself have decided to give IF (Intermittent Fasting) a go for a 90-day challenge we have created for ourselves. We are on day 3 and while the brain fog isn't nearly as bad as the last two days, it's … [Read more...]