Hey family, how are you? We hope you are doing AMAZING! We had a wild week that was like riding a roller coaster! Things broke, some got fixed, some we are left holding the pieces wondering how some companies stay in business... To some personal family challenges that I will share more about once I have some definitive answers. Lets just say it's been … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Can’t Adult Today, Progress and Spring Cleaning
Hey family, how are you? We hope you had a great week. Let us know how you are in the comments below. We are a wee bit behind on some things as we are wrapping up paperwork and other not-so-fun adult/business stuff. Some days this week have got us feeling like... Can you feel me? LOL We got a bit behind on our intentions for this week, however … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Our First Podcast, Our Kung Fu Journey and Simple Self Defense Techniques
Hey family, how are you? Is it just us or did this week go by a wee bit too fast? Besides feeling like the week just zipped on by we have been having some more of that off and on warm then cold weather. How is the weather where you are? I want to apologize for those comments we missed a few weeks back ago. I just seen them when checking out a new … [Read more...]