Often when someone starts learning Wing Chun techniques they tend to get stuck with using a technique only one way. What I mean by this is the instructor teaches the student a technique and the student takes that lesson and turns it into their gospel.
This scenario happens more times than you may think. Developing your martial art skill is much like learning how to play a musical instrument.
For illustration’s sake, let’s talk for a second about how to play the guitar. When a person starts learning how to play the guitar usually they start off learning some basic chords like a G chord D chord and a C chord.
After they become proficient at learning those chords, they will start to experiment with those chords and produce different rhythms and melodies. You would be surprised at just how many songs are produced only using those three chords.
The process of learning a Wing Chun techniques functions in the same manner. when you have had ample opportunity to perfect the method through repeated practice. It is time for you to begin playing with a variety of various applications.
When I was first learning how to wield a Jut Sao, my favorite method was to jut my opponent’s arm down and then slide in a strike. I still employ that technique to this day.
That was until I discovered I could also strike with a Jut Sao, which completely changed my strategy. After I figured out how to accomplish that efficiently, it quickly became my go-to method for utilizing a Jut Sao.
After some time, I learned another skill that showed me how to throw someone off balance by utilizing a jutting action, and it was around this time that I also learned how to do so. I was ultimately able to get to the point where I felt comfortable using the method after becoming familiar with a range of applications for the method and putting each one into practice.
Now, whenever I want to utilize a Jut Sao, I listen to what the energy suggests I should do rather than choose a preferred method. Remember that there are a variety of various applications for Wing Chun techniques since this is a vital point to keep in mind.
No one size fits all. What I mean by this is that the only thing that can hold you back is the extent of your imagination. Don’t get hung up on whether it has to be done this way or that way. As long as you are observing the rules of energy, you are free to employ whatever method is effective for you so long as you are doing so.
Related Wing Chun Techniques Questions
Can I teach Myself, Wing Chun Techniques?
The response is not as straightforward as one might expect. Both statements are true. Yes, you will be able to teach yourself the forms, you will be able to do some drills, and you will be able to improve your physical fitness. The ability to develop sensitivity and pressure control is not something that can be done on your own. You cannot possibly improve your internal martial art skills without the assistance of a training partner.
However, this response should not discourage you, as there is a great deal you can teach yourself. Also, it is much simpler to learn Wing Chun on your own today, given how simple it is to learn kung fu online. While there are limitations on how much sensitivity you can develop. You can certainly develop a good foundation and understanding of Wing Chun. I would go as far as to say you can even learn self-defense applications online.
Wing Chun Training Tip: Use training aids like a Wooden Dummy and or Wing Chun Rice Trainer.
Where Is The Best Wing Chun Online Training?
The answer that most benefits oneself would be to stay right here at Enter Shaolin. The truth is that the finest instructor or teachers for you are the ones with whom you feel the most at ease. Everyone learns in their unique way and at their speed. Because of this, there is no single approach to education that is suitable for everyone.
While I can’t really tell you what is the right fit for you: I can tell you some things you might want to avoid.
- Avoid teachers that tell you their style is the best. (All styles can be effective)
- Avoid teachers that don’t encourage you to go out and test and prove all things.
- Avoid fantasy mumbo jumbo. (death touch, no hand knockouts, qi hocus pocus stuff, etc…)
- Do seek out teachers that emphasize touch (sparring, chi sao, push hand, grappling, etc… )
What are the basic techniques of Wing Chun?
The ideas of wing chun are based on the idea that little effort can lead to greater results. Within Sil Lum Tao, you will find examples of all of the fundamental Wing Chun techniques. To be successful in this discipline, it is not necessary to know a large number of techniques; rather, it is necessary to execute a small number of skills extremely effectively.
Can Wing Chun Be Effective?
Let’s get this question out in the open, shall we? To begin, there is no guarantee that something is true simply because it is said on a website like YouTube, Facebook, or another similar platform.
There are two schools of thought within the modern-day world of martial artists regarding the validity of Wing Chun: Those who think it to be a successful martial art and others who feel it to be a load of hooey.
To tell the truth, as I stated before in this piece, martial art does not make the person; rather, it is the person who expresses martial art. To put it another way, it is not the martial art that fails; rather, it is the martial art practitioner who fails the majority of the time.
Editors Note: These questions are coming from relative searches on google. If you found this blog post because you are wondering if Wing Chun is effective or not. Let me assure you, Wing Chun techniques are deadly effective if done right.
How many techniques are in Wing Chun?
This is a trick question because there are dozens of different ways in which pak sao or bong sao might be used. When it comes to the applications of Wing Chun techniques, the only thing that may hold you back is your creativity.
As an illustration, the method that we use to train our Wing Chun hands is to make use of what we refer to as default hands. From that position, your hands will assume whatever form is necessary at that time. The transformation of that shape is determined by energy. It can develop into any one of the following Wing Chun techniques: a jut, tan, lop, fook (fuk), bil, huen, and the list continues.
Wing Chun’s Basic Curriculum
- Sil Lum Tao
- Chum Kiu
- Bil Gee
- Staff
- Butterfly Swords
- Muk Jong (Wooden Dummy)
Wing Chun is so vast that it probably encompasses thousands upon thousands of distinct strategies and applications. When I was younger, Sifu Phu required that I write my lesson notes by hand after each session. I took so many notes on the many strategies he was instructing me that I frequently questioned how I would ever be able to commit everything to memory.
It wasn’t until much later that I discovered that some of the things he was teaching me were inventions of his own based on the energy he was experiencing at the time. What I didn’t realize at the time was that the energy of the circumstance dictates both the strategies you should use and how you should employ them. This is something I’ve since learned. As a result of this, throughout my life, I have constructed my understanding of the many Wing Chun Techniques.
Key Wing Chun Points
Always make sure your center is protected, whether you’re attacking or defending. Make use of the opponent’s strengths to your advantage and use them against them. When defending yourself, employ the principles of force deflection, and when attacking, take the direct approach.
When the bridge has been created, it is important to maintain constant contact with the opponent’s forearms using the principle known as “sticky hands” (Chi Sao). This is because the information is transmitted more quickly through direct physical contact than it is through the use of one’s eyes.
If the force that you are up against is too great, you should cave in and use your movement system to restructure. If the adversary takes a step back, you should pursue him and maintain the pressure; you should not give him any breathing room to formulate new plans. It is not your punching force that you should rely on, but rather the speed and mass of your body.
Danny L says
Not confined by style or technique, but being fluent with the energy.
Sifu Phu Ngo says
Universal truth
Danny L says
Big thumbs up!
Martin L says
Poor Larry hate be you great job. That big thumbs up what happen arm over you and other arm to the body what do you do?
Larry Rivera says
Hey Martin, thanks! I was just being silly 🙂