Hey family, as I was working on this week's update I started watching a documentary called Dominion. It's on YouTube I found the documentary by doing research on cancer. It was a recommended documentary to watch. As many of you know I am healing from cancer. If you don't know, check out this past update and this video update here to get the full scoop. From … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Update on Health + New Kung Fu Training
Hey family! Sorry, this update is getting out to you late! We made a video to let you know what's been going on behind the scenes to keep you all in the loop. We will be sharing more and more each week, check it out to stay in the know. :) WATCH | This Week's Video Update We are looking forward to sharing more as this new journey unfolds. Starting next … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | An Update On My Friend Plus New Kung Fu Training
Hey family! Hope you had an awesome week this week. There's been a lot of learning and growing going on here. Looking forward to being able to share more about that in future posts. :) We are going to keep this week's update short as we are preparing for Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. We got some awesome training for you this week and a … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Healing Journey, Prayer Requests + Review Week
Hey family, how are you? It's been a bit hectic this past week, however, we are counting our blessings and moving forward! One of our good friends found out he may have cancer, it's not finalized yet, however, the CAT scan showed there's a mass on his left kidney and some spots on his liver. So while he waits on doctor's, etc. I am helping him fight … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Are You At Your Breaking Point?
How many things in your life have you been meaning to do or need to do that you don't ever seem to get to? The reason why that happens doesn't really matter, what is important here is understanding what it takes to break down barriers in your life so that you can start moving forward in all that you do. For some people it's something as small as loosing … [Read more...]