Transcription: How do you train wrapping and constricting techniques in the snake system by yourself one of the things you want to, understand that when you constricting you, got to think of four sides. The top, bottom left, right And so you'll always want to try to create a pressure where it's even on all sides. So that's one of the trainings, … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Are You At Your Breaking Point?
How many things in your life have you been meaning to do or need to do that you don't ever seem to get to? The reason why that happens doesn't really matter, what is important here is understanding what it takes to break down barriers in your life so that you can start moving forward in all that you do. For some people it's something as small as loosing … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Abbot Critique, Seminar Lessons and Snake Coiling
Hey family, how are you? We hope you are all healthy and doing well. It's been a bit crazy here at Enter Shaolin. I've been battling some crazy cold off and on since I went to the Gym on the 1st. Sije Jamie got hit earlier in the week and thankfully as I write this we are both almost 100%. Now to just stay moving forward. Needless to say we didn't get as … [Read more...]
Sifu’s Corner – What Styles Do We Teach At Enter Shaolin
Welcome to another edition of Sifu's Corner. In this video, we talk about what martial art styles we teach.What is important to understand about us is that our style is the Ngo Dac Na system with influences of Wing Chun, 5 Animals, Tai Chi, and Chi ' Na.More importantly, we study how energy works with the body.What that means is that the style of martial … [Read more...]