Hey family, how are you? We hope well! This week's update is going to be short and sweet but still jammed pack with great knowledge and training. Sije Jamie and I have been scrambling to get several things in place to take Enter Shaolin to the next level. First... The Tai Chi seminar page is up and ready for you to start registering. -> Register … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Be Willing To Love Yourself Enough To Change & Be More + Seminar Update
Hey family, how are you? I hope you are doing well! The past month and a half has been hectic here, between planning a funeral for my mom, to planning a seminar, to grieving, to everyday life as a single mom and a business owner who also has to find time take care of herself mind/body/soul, etc., etc... Life can feel like a whirlwind sometimes. The … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | 5 Common Herbs to Combat Stress & Depression + Tips
Hey family, how are you? This week's update is inspired by a request from one of our Enter Shaolin family members Robert 'Bob' Taylor and also thanks to a question asked by Donato! Bob wanted to know what of God's farmacy I recommend to help combat depression Donato was also seeking advice to destress and overcome depression. In a world where everything is … [Read more...]
Tips To Improve A MMA Fighters Ground Fighting Game
This tip doesn't just apply to a MMA Fighters. This tip also applies to anyone who wants to improve their ground fighting game. Because at the end of the day we martial artists express the same style from our unique viewpoint. By style I want to echo something the late great Bruce Lee said:I personally do not believe in the word style. Why? Because, unless … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Utilizing Qigong and Tai Chi to Weather The Storm
Hey family, how are you? I wanted to give a shoutout to all the awesome Enter Shaolin family members that wrote in sending their condolences and prayers for my family and I. We felt your love and support for sure! This week I made a video update for all you guys and gals sharing a bit about my experience through helping my family lay my mom to rest. My … [Read more...]